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emoxiaogirlgirl@blogspot.com ♥
Thursday, May 27, 2010

sad.. u're leaving.. i hope that u can stay.. but u can't.. haiz.. i dun know wat to do when ur gone.. i feel so alone.. the days with u was so fun n happy.. but now ur gone.. i just keep on missing u badly.. i will be waiting for u to come bck.. gd bye my lover.. will always love u n miss u.. bye.. D:

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Wat Is Love?

if u love someone love him/her with all ur heart.. but u have to love god more than him/her.. wat is love? love is patient, love is kind.. it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. it is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. it always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. this is call love..

My Relationship.

well.. my relationship is great! no more quarreling.. just wan to continue peacefully.. today is our 1year 9months anniversary :D so happy!! although we didn't go out with each other today.. but still got chat with him on the phone, sms n msn.. hope that every yr, month n day anniversary can celebrate together :D

HaPpY 1YeAr 9MoNtHs AnNiVeRsArY Raymond Babe!!

Are We Friends or Emmies?

haiz.. is that person really my best friend that i can trust?.. or he/she is just using me?. i dun know.. do i think he/she will change.. maybe.. maybe not.. i put too much trust in him/her.. but it seem to be used.. i felt sad about this friendship.. i cried.. but i know it won't solve the problem by crying.. i dun think i can keep this friend anymore.. i will just act to be friends with him/her.. once u lost trust in that person u trusted the most.. its hard to build it back.. think about it.. how does it feels like when ur friends went with another friends and left u alone along the way? how does it feels like when u have been used? how does it feels like when u lost trust with a person that u trusted the most? and finally.. how does it feels like when u r in this situations.. my answer is.. that friend is a jerk and its really hurting!

i know i also did this to my friends. but i just wan to say sorry whoever that i make u felt lonely..
Sunday, April 4, 2010

many happy things happened today :D can pei him so long.. :D :D

lolx.. imagine raymond is my house husband.. he's good at doing house work.. good at taking care of ppl.. hahahaz.. that was a compliment.. few years to go to marry him.. lolx.. :D :D i will torture him until he cries.. joking.. xD must take care of him and love him more each day :D my one n only darling FOREVER! muackz muackz.. love u dardar :D that's all i'm going to post.. see ya tmr in sch. dun be late to meet me!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

today was a fun day! went kayaking with my class at kallang.. :D i learnt how to capsize although i fail a lot of times but in the end still pass. lolx.. haiz.. get sun burn!! pain.. put sun block no use.. but i would like to thank god for the good weather he gave us.. after that went back to school.. he went for cca.. so i waited for him at the canteen.. while waiting i was chatting with erica n friends.. lolx.. then they left..

after waiting for so long.. he came :D lolx.. miss him so much!! then went kfc to have dinner with him, dongdong n siti my new friend :D she told me that she have 7siblings including her.. that's cool!! then saw that guy! hate him so much!! lolx.. after dinner went to play basket ball.. then headed home with him, dongdong n siti..

i'm glad that he loves me so much.. he's a really a great boyfriend to me.. i love him very much.. hope that he can feel it.. i feel that we r getting better each day when we get together.. i feel very touched by him.. hope that we can get more n more better each day darling! love u forever n ever!! never leave u!
Thursday, March 18, 2010

haiz.. got tricked by him yesterday.. but is really for me to learn my lesson.. yesterday i went to paris ris with my cousin n her friends.. it was really fun.. :D i really enjoyed it.. but it rain heavily.. my cousin's friends, cousin n i were drench under the rain.. after that i went to my cousin's house myself.. then took my stuffs n left.. went back home about 5pm plus.. bathe then sms him.. skip to the part i met him.. pei him awhile then go home le..