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emoxiaogirlgirl@blogspot.com ♥
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

today was a fun day! went kayaking with my class at kallang.. :D i learnt how to capsize although i fail a lot of times but in the end still pass. lolx.. haiz.. get sun burn!! pain.. put sun block no use.. but i would like to thank god for the good weather he gave us.. after that went back to school.. he went for cca.. so i waited for him at the canteen.. while waiting i was chatting with erica n friends.. lolx.. then they left..

after waiting for so long.. he came :D lolx.. miss him so much!! then went kfc to have dinner with him, dongdong n siti my new friend :D she told me that she have 7siblings including her.. that's cool!! then saw that guy! hate him so much!! lolx.. after dinner went to play basket ball.. then headed home with him, dongdong n siti..

i'm glad that he loves me so much.. he's a really a great boyfriend to me.. i love him very much.. hope that he can feel it.. i feel that we r getting better each day when we get together.. i feel very touched by him.. hope that we can get more n more better each day darling! love u forever n ever!! never leave u!
Thursday, March 18, 2010

haiz.. got tricked by him yesterday.. but is really for me to learn my lesson.. yesterday i went to paris ris with my cousin n her friends.. it was really fun.. :D i really enjoyed it.. but it rain heavily.. my cousin's friends, cousin n i were drench under the rain.. after that i went to my cousin's house myself.. then took my stuffs n left.. went back home about 5pm plus.. bathe then sms him.. skip to the part i met him.. pei him awhile then go home le..

bored bored bored!! wat should i do?.. haiz.. really miss him lots.. but later going out with him to play basket ball.. :D lolx.. waiting for his reply.. i think he's still slping.. wat should i do now?
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

haiz.. didn't go anywhere today.. just stay at home.. msn, eat, slp, msn, eat n slp.. bored.. haiz.. hope tmr is a better day.. wish my dardar recover from his high fever soon..
Monday, March 15, 2010

good morning.. just woke up.. bored.. haiz.. 4days nvr see him le heart broken.. will he find me today? dun know.. later going swimming with my mum.. bored.. after swimming wat should i do? good question.. i also dun know.. maybe pei him slack lor.. haiz.. i wan to go out!! super bored at home!! i stayed at home the whole day last 3days.. ITS SUCKS!!!! hope my friends will organise some activities.. :D
Friday, March 12, 2010

yesterday had a quarrel with him n my mum.. but now is fine.. i ignored my mother this morning.. i was sad.. haiz.. dun wan to post le..

today was a bored day.. after school went to mac.. mac was crowded so went to kfc with him.. my friends was there too.. after eating pei him went to amry shop.. bought the things he needs then go home.. after that went to school for parents meeting.. after parents meeting went home.. eat, slp, play, eat slp n play.. bored..
Sunday, March 7, 2010


haiz.. when he looks at other girls i was jealous... he promise me not to look at other girls but he keep on looking.. yesterday i was on my way home cuz i was sad.. after that he was chasing behind.. then i told him u wan look at others then look at others la.. y bother to find me.. then he said that i look at other boys.. when i didn't.. he said i look at dom and wee joe.. then i told him they are my friends.. so i walked off.. he was walking behind me.. i was sad.. went into the lift with him.. i was crying.. haiz.. then i told him... u wan look at girls i won't stop u anymore.. cuz i dun have the rights.. i can't control u.. cuz is ur eyes i can't control it.. u wan to look just look.. after that he promise me he won't look at others again..

today was a tired day.. last nite didn't slp well.. got a lot of mosquitoes bites n miss him too much that's y.. haiz.. late for church service.. cuz can't wake up.. reach church about 9plus in the morning.. my mother was nagging cuz i have choir.. then after service went to 7-11 to buy snacks to eat.. then went for sunday class.. end at 11.40am.. went to canteen.. i was waiting for my mum to give money to buy the food to eat.. after that canteen no more food... sian.. went to 7-11 to buy bread and soya bean to eat and drink.. can't finish so i threw it away.. wash my hands went to choir practice.. sing sing sing... while singing i was smsing.. cuz very bored.. feel like quitting choir.. cuz i can't wake up so early.. no passion for singing in church anymore.. haiz.. went home about 3pm.. no house keys.. my sis was calling my mum to cab home from tampines 1.. i was angry cuz my mum have no time for shopping when my father is around only when my father went to another country.. my sis just dun understand our mum.. she always think about herself.. so i had a quarrel with her.. i called my brother to check wheather he have the keys.. he said he have so i went to look for him while i was looking for my brother my sis was waiting outside the house.. take the keys already went home to open the door for my sis.. then sms sms sms then slp le.. after that he was angry cuz i didn't reply.. haiz.. sad.. said sry so many time.. dun know he still angry or not.. =(